West Liberty Council discusses village improvements and events


The West Liberty Council met in regular session Monday evening.

The council is proposing a new electric aggregation rate of 0.0651, beginning with the August meter reading. The rate will appear on the September bill, and residents can opt in or out of the aggregation at any time. The council hopes to know gas rates come November.

Jason Fishbaugh was hired as the new part-time officer for the village.

West Liberty will be replacing the troop banners and brackets with stainless steel bars to prevent rust and damage. The project will take ten weeks to replace all 52 banners. The cost is expected to be $10,400.

There are currently hazardous trees in the village boulevards, prohibited by Ordinance 909.03. Alistair Reynolds, the urban forester for the area, will be coming to the village next Wednesday to measure distances so that residents can properly and safely plant trees in their yards.

Approximately six trees along Mad River at Lions Club Park will be removed to prevent damming the water flow. The cost will be $4,000.

The council also discussed reaching out to the Lions Club Park to stay updated on park dealings.

The flowerbeds at Sherman Ricketts Memorial Park will be mulched and freshened up as well.

Columbus Street repaving begins Monday, the 19th.

The West Liberty Summer Street Market will be from noon to 7 pm on Saturday, June 24th. It will feature a car show and fireworks at dusk.

A veterans’ trip to the Air Force Museum is taking place on June 27th. 26 veterans and their significant others will attend and receive a catered meal, which is funded by the West Liberty Business Association.

Mayor Jill McKelvey explains aggregation rates, the veterans’ trip to the Air Force Museum, and the Summer Street Market event:

A light pole painting will be completed by Superior Painting on August 1st.

National Purple Heart Day is August 7th. Two new Purple Heart veterans will be recognized with two new stones.

On September 20th, the Vietnam Memorial Wall will also be coming to Urbana.

The celebration of the Total Solar Eclipse will begin next year on Saturday, April 6th, 2024, and extend through Monday, April 8th.

The next West Liberty Council meeting will take place on Monday, June 26th at 7 pm.