Bellefontaine High School Quiz Bowl Team Went 3-1 Monday


Monday, the Bellefontaine High School Quiz Bowl team started the night off strong with a 300-110 victory over Jonathan Alder.

Leading the team in scoring was Oliver Moreland with 80 points.

Jeffrey Smith added 40 points and Nolan Core added 10.

In the second match, the Chieftain Quiz Bowlers suffered their first loss of the season in a close match to London with a score of 225-200.

Leading the team was Oliver Moreland with 70 and Jeffrey Smith with 10.

The Chieftains rebounded in the third match with a dominant 400-105 victory over JA.

Each member of the team contributed answers in the toss-up questions with Moreland scoring 85, Smith with 35, Elliett Lang with 20, and Nolan Core with 10.

In the final match of the evening, the Chiefs defeated Tecumseh 330 to 105.

Leading the team in scoring were Moreland with 95, Smith with 25, and Core with 10.

The team is now 7-1 on the season and will be back in action on Thursday at Indian Lake for a doubleheader against Indian Lake and Urbana.