The West Liberty- Salem Seniors of the Month for January are London Loveless and Max Rudolph.
Londyn Loveless is the daugter of Ashley and Shana Loveless.
School Activities and Awards: Academic Honor Student, National Honor Society, Student Council, Key Club, Link Crew, Spanish Club, Broadcasting Club, Varsity Choir, 4-H Member, Youth Leader, and Tutor. Varsity Volleyball Letterman and Team Captain, Career Assists Record: 1,177, 1st Team All OHC, 1st Team District 9, Senior All-Star Player District 9 and All OHC, Champaign County Athlete of the Month (October), Eye of the Tiger and All Hustle Team Awards, and Scholar Athlete.
If I were principal for a day: If I were principal for a day, I would cancel all exams and treat everyone to Starbucks!
Favorite school memory: One of my fondest school memories will always be Homecoming. The week is filled with exciting activities that bring the community together. From the parade, pep rallies, spirit week competitions, Friday night football games, and dance; these are cherished memories shared with great friends.
People who have been an inspiration to me include: My amazing parents! Because of the love and support that my parents have always shown me, I have been able to DREAM BIG without any constraints. When I was 4 years old, I wanted to be a princess, and now as a young adult aspiring to be a doctor, my parents have always motivated me to pursue my dreams and carve my own path in life. I am immensely grateful for the many opportunities they have diligently provided for me and my siblings. Thank you, Dad and Mom for being incredible parents and role models. Love you, Always!
Lately, I have been reading: Lately, I have been reading my Physics textbook, preparing for the mid-term exam. I have not had much time for leisurely reading outside of Physics and my Bible studies.
My advice to parents: My advice to parents is to encourage your children to DREAM BIG and always be their biggest supporters!
My biggest regret: Jennifer Annison said it best, “There’s no regrets in life, just lessons.”
Next year I will be: I have accepted a full-academic scholarship at Ohio Northern University and plan to major in Biochemistry with a concentration in Biomedical Sciences, with a Pre-Medicine pathway to become a Pediatrician.
Max Rudolph is the son of Diane Rudolph and the late Mark Rudolph.
School Activities and Awards: National Honor Society, 4 years of soccer- earned 3 varsity letters, 3 years of track (so far) – earned 3 varsity letters, 1 year of wrestling- variety letter and hustle award, Eagle Scout, Vice President of class for 2 years. Spanish Club, Key Club, Chess Club, Calculus Club, Physics Club.
If I were principal for a day: I would allow students to leave school for lunch.
Favorite school memory: The yearly volleyball tournaments.
People who have been an inspiration to me include: My mom, my brother Quentin, teachers, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Lately, I have been reading: How to Avoid a Climate Disaster by Bill Gates.
My advice to parents: Listen to your children and let them make most of their decisions by themselves.
My biggest regret: Taking for granted all the fun memories I’ve made throughout my years in high school.
Next year I will be: Going to an undecided college in Ohio for Mechanical Engineering.